WMS Announcements for Monday,  April 29, 2019

  • LUNCH: Corn dog, nachos,fruit, veggie, and milk  or Salad Bar

  • This week, April 29 to May 3rd, we will be celebrating Mental Health Week at WMS.  There will be fun activities every day during your lunch recess that you may choose to participate in.  

Monday:  learn about mental health by playing Bingo

Tuesday: meet some amazing therapy dogs

Wednesday: mindfulness

Thursday: destress with rock painting

Friday: participate in a scavenger hunt and win prizes

There will be flyers around the school with more detailed information as well.  

  • There will be a Peer Mediator meeting on Wednesday, May 1st at 7:50 in the activities room.  We will be discussing the 5th grade tour and registration so please plan to attend and be on time.   

  • Girls' Club will be on Tuesday, April 30th.  We will be meeting during lunch recess only.

  • The Mentor/Mentee lunch for April will be Friday, May 3rd.  Please meet in the activities room during 6th grade lunch and recess.  

  • There will be a mandatory PARENT meeting for all 7th & 8th graders traveling to Washington DC & NYC on Wednesday, May 8th at 6 PM at WMS in the band/choir room. Please have your parent contact Mrs. Houck if he/she cannot attend.


  • We are taking submissions for the Joke of the Day that I read during the morning announcements.  If you would like your joke to be considered please email it to Mr. Goyette for consideration.

  • AFTER SCHOOL ICU ROOM: Scheetz Rm 24
  • Joke of the day:
  • What did the wolf say when someone stepped on his foot?... Aoooooowwwww! (Ava Cleveland)