Congratulations to our DCHS athletes that were selected for All-Conference and All-State recognition in their fall sports! GO DEVILS!!!
DCHS Announcements Wednesday November 29:
Lunch for Today: Pizza with veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Chalupa with rice veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Thursday 11-30-23 Bus 4 will not run am or pm.
Thursday 11-30-23 Bus 5 will not run its pm route.
If you know of anyone looking for some part-time driving send them to the bus barn.
Freshman: Your class has no money. You need to sign up for the concessions in google classroom.
NHS/Key Clubbers: Wreaths are in today. Please meet up with Ms. Fawns after school in the cafeteria to collect your wreaths to disburse accordingly to people who purchased from the fundraiser. If you cannot make it, email Ms. Fawns as soon as possible.
TCK: Trading Card Kids there is a meeting tomorrow in the library at lunch time. Lunch is provided.
Students remember that yearbook prices increase after the New Year, so purchase your book today! See the QR codes located throughout the school or see Mr. Corbett in C102.
Seniors: Yes it's Senior Picture Time! Why wait? The Google Form is in your email, or just simply email Mr. Corbett with them.
Students: Reach Higher Montana has a scholarship opportunity for all students in grades 9-12. Check your school email for more details!
DCHS Announcements Tuesday November 28:
Lunch for Today: Hot dog with potato chips, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Pizza with veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Thursday 11-30-23 Bus 4 will not run am or pm.
Thursday 11-30-23 Bus 5 will not run its pm route.
If you know of anyone looking for some part-time driving send them to the bus barn.
NHS/Key Clubbers: Wreaths are in today. Please meet up with Ms. Fawns after school to collect your wreaths to disburse accordingly to people who purchased from the fundraiser. If you cannot make it, email Ms. Fawns as soon as possible.
Freshman: Your class has no money. You need to sign up for the concessions in google classroom.
Students: Reach Higher Montana has a scholarship opportunity for all students in grades 9-12. Check your school email for more details!
Junior Class Fundraiser: It is due to Mrs. Hoagland today November 28th. Remember our goal is $100 per person. Checks made to DCHS.
Students remember to bring a water bottle. The refill stations are working.
Red Devil Football banquet is today, November 28th starting at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. Thank you!
DCHS Announcements Wednesday 11/22:
Lunch for Today: Deli sandwich with potato chips, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Take a look at the lost and found table in front of the Principal’s office. What is left there will be going away after school. Thanks
Freshman, your class has no money. You need to sign up for the concessions in google classroom.
Students: Reach Higher Montana has a scholarship opportunity for all students in grades 9-12. Check your school email for more details!
Students, we are having a food drive starting today. Any non-perishable items you want to donate, like canned foods, pasta, cereal, and more, would be appreciated. This is a competition between the following schools (Miles City, Sydney, Terry, and Dawson County High School). Please help us to bring some holiday cheer to families in our town through this food drive. Donations can be brought to Ms. Fawns' room.
Junior Class Fundraiser: It is due to Mrs. Hoagland November 28th Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Remember our goal is $100 per person. Checks made to DCHS.
Students remember to bring a water bottle. The refill stations are working.
TCK: There is a signup sheet for bell ringing in the office please see Staci to get on the list. We would like you to sign up for 1 of the times listed. Thanks
Red Devil Football banquet will be Tuesday, November 28th starting at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Daily Devil News November 27-December 3 (part 2)
Daily Devil News November 27-December 3 (part 1)
DCHS Announcements Monday 11/20:
Lunch for Today: Chicken taquitos with rice, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Potato soup with bread stick, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Tuesday 11-21-23. Bus 5 will not run its pm route.
Take a look at the lost and found table in front of the Principal’s office. What is left there will be going away Wednesday after school. Thanks
Students, we are having a food drive starting tomorrow. Any non-perishable items you want to donate, like canned foods, pasta, cereal, and more, would be appreciated. This is a competition between the following schools (Miles City, Sydney, Terry, and Dawson County High School). Please help us to bring some holiday cheer to families in our town through this food drive. Donations can be brought to Ms. Fawns' room.
Junior Class Fundraiser: It is due to Mrs. Hoagland November 28th Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Remember our goal is $100 per person. Checks made to DCHS.
Students remember to bring a water bottle. The refill stations are working.
TCK: There is a signup sheet for bell ringing in the office please see Staci to get on the list. We would like you to sign up for 1 of the times listed. Thanks
Red Devil Football banquet will be Tuesday, November 28th starting at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. Thank you!
Daily Devil News November 20-26
DCHS Announcements Wednesday 11/15:
Lunch for Today: Sloppy Joe with potato chips, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Hot ham & cheese sandwich with potato, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Wednesday 11-15 bus 1 will not run the PM route.
TCK Meeting: There is a signup sheet for bell ringing in the office please see Staci to get on the list. We would like you to sign up for 1 of the times listed. Thanks
Red Devil Football banquet will be Tuesday, November 28th starting at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. Thank you!
Juniors and seniors: The representative from University of MT will visit on Wednesday, November 15th at 11am. Please make arrangements with your classroom teacher if you would like to speak with the rep.
Congratulations to the DCHS students chosen for Honor Band and Choir!
DCHS Announcements Monday November 13:
Lunch for Today: Tomato soup with grilled cheese, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: French toast with sausage, potato, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Tuesday 11-14 bus 4 will not run AM or PM
Tuesday 11-14 bus 5 will not run PM route
Wednesday 11-15 bus 1 will not run AM or PM route.
Volleyball players need to turn in their WASHED uniforms tomorrow after school. Make sure to bring your jerseys, jackets, and pants. You MUST check in with a coach and don't just leave it at the coaches' office.
Red Devil Football banquet will be Tuesday, November 28th starting at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. Thank you!
Winter cheer: There will be a meeting for those interested in trying out for winter cheer team TODAY at 4:00 pm, near or in the auditorium. Fall cheerleaders will need to bring uniforms to turn in TODAY. Contact Coach White with questions at 406-939-3595.
Juniors and seniors: The representative from MSU-Billings will be visiting the DCHS counseling office tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th at 11am and the rep from University of MT will visit on Wednesday, November 15th at 11am. Please make arrangements with your classroom teacher if you would like to speak with either of these reps.
Donating Blood: For those donating blood here are some tips before donating: Drink an extra 16 oz of water before your apt. Start hydrating the day before giving blood! Eat a healthy meal before donating. Don’t skip breakfast or lunch avoid fatty foods.
Wear a shirt with sleeves you can roll up above your elbow.
DCHS Key Club will host a Vitalant School Blood Drive on November 14th. The Blood Drive is open to school staff and students. If you are 16 or older, and wish to donate blood, see the sign-up sheet in the office for an available time slot. The permission forms, which are very important for those interested under the age of 18, are in a stack next to the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, please visit with Ms. Fawns or Mrs. Flegel.
COED: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO BUY COED TICKETS during lunch outside the cafeteria. Tickets are $20 dollars each. Please pay when you sign up.
If you are planning to bring an out of town guest to COED there are permission slips in the principal’s office. They are due back to the office TODAY, Nov. 13th. If you plan to attend the dance you must be present for at least half of the day on Thursday, November 16th.
On Nov. 11, fourteen members of the DCHS Forensics (Speech, Drama, and Debate) team competed in Miles City and two observed. The following are the results for any who made top 8 in their events:
Alex Whitmer and Corinne Canen were 8th in humorous theater.
MacKenzie Duede was 4th in original oratory.
Tori Engle and Bella McCoy were 3rd in duo Interpretation.
Lillian Rowland was 7th in dramatic interpretation and 3rd in impromptu.
Isaac Steele was 2nd in informative.
Adrianna Mannie was 7th in Lincoln -Douglas debate.
Jacob Beach was 4th in pantomime.
Zachariah Henson was 8th in humorous solo.
David Kingstad and Nathan Marley were 4th in classical theater.
Ora Neves was 2nd in dramatic solo.
Other team members present were Elexxsis Geiger, Emma Hynes, and Christian Cook.
Coaches are Sonja Tuma and Allison Clark.
The DCHS team also placed 3rd in Class A Drama Sweeps.
DCHS Z-Club is hosting the COED dance next Friday, November 17! Doors will open at 6 pm for pictures and Grand March will begin at 8 pm.
DCHS Announcements Thursday 11/9:
Lunch for Today: Turkey & Cheese wrap with veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Winter cheer: There will be a meeting for those interested in trying out for winter cheer team on Monday at 4:00 pm, near or in the auditorium. Fall cheerleaders will need to bring uniforms to turn in on Monday. Contact Coach White with questions at 406-939-3595.
Juniors and seniors: The representative from MSU-Billings will be visiting the DCHS counseling office on Tuesday, November 14th at 11am and the rep from University of MT will visit on Wednesday, November 15th at 11am. Please make arrangements with your classroom teacher if you would like to speak with either of these reps.
Donating Blood: For those donating blood here are some tips before donating: Drink an extra 16 oz of water before your apt. Start hydrating the day before giving blood! Eat a healthy meal before donating. Don’t skip breakfast or lunch avoid fatty foods.
Wear a shirt with sleeves you can roll up above your elbow.
This week is HOSA week! HOSA: Future Health Professionals is a student organization here at DCHS that provides students with hands-on experience and skills in the healthcare field.
There will be a prize for the best dressed! Follow DCHS HOSA on Facebook or Instagram to vote. HOSA is also selling socks by the cafeteria to raise money to purchase a prosthetic for a child in a developing country. They are $6 a pair, buy two get one free! Also, listen for the daily trivia question for a chance to win treats for your class.
DCHS Key Club will host a Vitalant School Blood Drive on November 14th. The Blood Drive is open to school staff and students. If you are 16 or older, and wish to donate blood, see the sign-up sheet in the office for an available time slot. The permission forms, which are very important for those interested under the age of 18, are in a stack next to the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, please visit with Ms. Fawns or Mrs. Flegel.
COED: We will be selling COED tickets TODAY through Nov. 13th during lunch outside the cafeteria. Tickets are $20 dollars each. Please pay when you sign up.
If you are planning to bring an out of town guest to COED there are permission slips in the principal’s office. They are due back to the office Monday, Nov. 13th. If you plan to attend the dance you must be present for at least half of the day on Thursday, November 16th.
Daily Devil News November 13-19 (part 2)
Daily Devil News November 13-19 (part 1) NOTE: The November 18 Forensics meet will be at Billings Central, not Circle.
Announcement from the DCHS Activities Department:
November 14th-Winter Activities Meeting for Parents, 6:00 PM DCHS Cafeteria
November 15th-Fall Event Workers Meeting, 7:00 PM DCHS Cafeteria
DCHS Announcements Wednesday 11/8:
Lunch for Today: Breaded ravioli with marinara sauce, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Turkey & Cheese wrap with veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Winter cheer: There will be a meeting for those interested in trying out for winter cheer team on Monday at 4:00 pm, near or in the auditorium. Fall cheerleaders will need to bring uniforms to turn in on Monday. Contact Coach White with questions at 406-939-3595.
Juniors and seniors: The representative from MSU-Billings will be visiting the DCHS counseling office on Tuesday, November 14th at 11am and the rep from University of MT will visit on Wednesday, November 15th at 11am. Please make arrangements with your classroom teacher if you would like to speak with either of these reps.
This week is HOSA week! HOSA: Future Health Professionals is a student organization here at DCHS that provides students with hands-on experience and skills in the healthcare field.
Dress up days this week! Thursday: Crazy outfit day
There will be a prize for the best dressed! Follow DCHS HOSA on Facebook or Instagram to vote. HOSA is also selling socks by the cafeteria to raise money to purchase a prosthetic for a child in a developing country. They are $6 a pair, buy two get one free! Also, listen for the daily trivia question for a chance to win treats for your class.
DCHS Key Club will host a Vitalant School Blood Drive on November 14th. The Blood Drive is open to school staff and students. If you are 16 or older, and wish to donate blood, see the sign-up sheet in the office for an available time slot. The permission forms, which are very important for those interested under the age of 18, are in a stack next to the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, please visit with Ms. Fawns or Mrs. Flegel.
COED: We will be selling COED tickets TODAY through Nov. 13th during lunch outside the cafeteria. Tickets are $20 dollars each. Please pay when you sign up.
If you are planning to bring an out of town guest to COED there are permission slips in the principal’s office. They are due back to the office Monday, Nov. 13th. If you plan to attend the dance you must be present for at least half of the day on Thursday, November 16th.
DCHS Announcements Tuesday November 7:
Lunch for Today: Chicken Nuggets with Potato, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Lunch for Tomorrow: Breaded ravioli with marinara sauce, veggie, fruit & milk or SALAD BAR
Tuesday 11-7-23 bus 5 will not run its afternoon route. Please tell the world.
The DCHS Band’s first concert is tonight at 7:30 in the auditorium! We would love to see you there supporting your peers!
Basketball open gym schedule this week.
Tuesday 11/7
Girls 615 to 730 Boys 730 to 900
This week is HOSA week! HOSA: Future Health Professionals is a student organization here at DCHS that provides students with hands-on experience and skills in the healthcare field.
Dress up days this week!
Wednesday: Dress in blue for diabetes awareness month
Thursday: Crazy outfit day
There will be a prize for the best dressed! Follow DCHS HOSA on Facebook or Instagram to vote.
HOSA is also selling socks by the cafeteria to raise money to purchase a prosthetic for a child in a developing country. They are $6 a pair, buy two get one free!
Also, listen for the daily trivia question for a chance to win treats for your class.
Juniors and seniors: The representative from MSU-Billings will be visiting the DCHS counseling office on Tuesday, November 14th at 11am. Please make arrangements with your classroom teacher if you would like to speak with this rep.
DCHS Key Club will host a Vitalant School Blood Drive on November 14th. The Blood Drive is open to school staff and students. If you are 16 or older, and wish to donate blood, see the sign-up sheet in the office for an available time slot. The permission forms, which are very important for those interested under the age of 18, are in a stack next to the sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, please visit with Ms. Fawns or Mrs. Flegel.
Any senior that still needs to sign the banner they can stop by Mr. Reed’s room when they have time today is the last day.
The following student to the office please: Bergen Maher
COED: We will be selling COED tickets TODAY through Nov. 13th during lunch outside the cafeteria. Tickets are $20 dollars each. Please pay when you sign up.
If you are planning to bring an out of town guest to COED there are permission slips in the principal’s office. They are due back to the office Monday, Nov. 13th.
COED is scheduled for Friday, November 17th. The theme this year is Hollywood Walk of Fame. If you plan to attend the dance you must be present for at least half of the day on Thursday, November 16th.
From the Transportation Department:
Tuesday 11-7-23 Bus 5 will not run its afternoon route.